Friday, February 24, 2012

this is what I live for...these moments

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

a valentine breakfast.

today is valentine's!
so we started the day with a heart breakfast.

my new favorite thing is our homemade white chocolate mocha. since i'm completely obsessed with starbuck's white chocolate mochas but do not have the budget for one every hour, i have created my own recipe. so if you are like me and like your coffee to taste like cake try this recipe. you will not be disappointed.

1) make your coffee on the strong side
2) in a double boiler steam 1 cup of milk and 1/3 cup half and half
3) add 1/4 cup white chocolate chips (a little more if you want it sweeter)
4) whisk chocolate chips and milk mixture together
5) pour your coffee till your mug is half full and then pour your white chocolate chip and milk mixture till your mug is full

this makes enough for 2 and it takes about 5 minutes...not too shabby:)

oh and happy valentine's day from avett:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

avett's first valentine.

it's avett's first valentine's day. we spent most of today making cards to send out. avett of course wanted to ask his grammy and granny to be his valentine:)

i was able to make these cards personalized by making a heart from his fingerprints! valentine's day, 6 more days:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


so lucky to have both of my men with me for lunch! aren't they the cutest?

heart rolls.

valentine's day is only a week away!!! i cannot possibly hold in my excitement. you see while josh's favorite holidays include all the big ones (thanksgiving and christmas) mine have always been mardi gras and valentine's!

the zello house has officially been turned into a valentine wonderland. with all the red, pink, and hearts you could imagine.
why not? a holiday that celebrates the ones you love, as well as love itself. i'll take that any day.

so as my first tribute to valentine's, here are some lovely 'heart rolls' i made my hubs!

Monday, February 6, 2012

superbowl strawberries.

last night was the superbowl.
i wasn't particularly invested in the game, but we still celebrated with a little get together at a friend's house. i was excited to finally get to try out my 'superbowl strawberries' recipe!

chocolate covered strawberries have always intimidated me. but i found a great step-by-step to some of the best chocolate covered strawberries i've ever tasted!

and while my strawberries didn't look exactly like the ones in the link...they were a huge hit with our friends:)


since my last post a lot of time has passed. as well as a lot of events.
there has been an engagement, graduation, marriage, one year anniversary, and a sweet sweet baby boy.

i am now mrs. zello: a wife and mother:)

so much happiness has happened in this break in time.

here are a few of my favorite moments: